Heavy rain and strong winds have now started lashing the northeast coast of the US as Hurricane Sandy hits the New York area. And while the high winds will cause problems the bigger issue will be flooding from heavy rain & massive storm surge that could affect up to 50 million people.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has warned people if they have a way to leave Zone A to leave immediately as conditions are getting worse. Already 3,000 people have reached 76 emergency public shelters around the city. But for those who stay at home he advised using the generators provided and move to higher ground if possible.

President Barack Obama said "This is going to be a big and powerful storm. And "Everybody is taking this very seriously, we are making sure food, water and emergency power generation is available. The centre of the massive storm is due to come ashore around 8 o clock tonight in New Jersey, with the emphasis on New York and last until mid-week.

I am Ann salter thanks for watching. Stay tuned for the latest news on Hurricane sandy with us at ibtimes.co.uk

Written and presented by Ann Salter