OnePlus One
CyanogenMod 12.1 nightly fixes touchscreen issue for OnePlus One. Amazon

The latest nightly release of CyangenMod 12.1 reported to have fixed the annoying touchscreen issue the OnePlus One has been plagued with.

A number of posters on the website Reddit have reported the CyanogenMod 12.1 build released recently (15 May) squashes the touchscreen issue. The Cyanogen team has merged new synaptics touchscreen firmware into the CyanogenMod 12.1 nightly. Check out the Cyanogenmod code review.

"Fixed my problems so far. Just updated latest nightly and all touch issues are gone. Going to leave it in the sun for a while and see how it goes," notes one Redditor.

This has been further corroborated by several OnePlus forum members, saying the CM nightly released on 15<sup>th May has the fix.

"Everyone with touchscreen issues should try Flashing latest cyanogenmod 12.1 nightly. I just wiped dalvik/cache/system and flashed the rom, so i didn't lose any app). This is because they kinda fixed it by adding something related to the touchscreen," states a forum member named albytro4.

Download link: CyanogenMod 12.1 nightly [Click here if you are looking for guide to install the CM nightly manually on your OnePlus One.]

You can also download the boot.img, released by recognised XDA developer, franciscofranco, that has the touchscreen fix.

If you are still experiencing the issue then wait for OnePlus to release the 'final firmware fix', which the company announced to be working earlier this month. The firmware is currently undergoing testing.

"Update (May 15): The new firmware is ready and under testing. Early signs are very encouraging for the small amount of users who have been having touchscreen issues. If after the update you still face issues, our support team is on standby ready to help!" reads the note posted on OnePlus forum.