Pursuing your dreams might be one of the most challenging things you do in your life. However, it is essential to hold on to your passions. What did you want to be when you grew up? Many people change their dreams to fit into society or hide a true passion that they're not very confident about. Ashton Henry and Kyle Biskit are living proof that pursuing your passion unapologetically leads to a happier life.

Ashton Henry and Kyle Biskit
Ashton Henry and Kyle Biskit Ashton Henry and Kyle Biskit

They are entrepreneurs who have stuck to their dreams. Ashton Henry is a serial entrepreneur who runs multiple businesses. His primary focus has been to help people through the services his businesses offer. Kyle Biskit, on the other hand, is the founder of TSL Rentals, a luxury rental company. Ashton and Kyle are proof that you can achieve anything if you keep working at it. Here, based on their personal experiences, they share three reasons as to why you should never give up on your dreams.

  • Failure is not final

One of the things that Kyle learned early on is that failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Ashton agrees with this perspective on failure. Since it is inevitable, it is essential to embrace it and keep an open mind in order to learn from the mistakes and obstacles you face along the way.

  • Success waits on the other side of failure

It is imperative that you never surrender your dreams in life. That will not only rob you of fulfillment and happiness but you will also not know how it feels to succeed. In most cases, people give up just before their big break. Ashton and Kyle urge people to keep chasing their dreams because the joy of success is immeasurable.

  • Success is about the journey, not the destination

For many people, success is the end product, but according to Ashton and Kyle, there is no fulfillment and sense of accomplishment if you skip over the journey. Though laden with setbacks and dead ends, Kyle and Ashton advocate for people to experience the journey, get to learn, and grow with their dream. According to Kyle, this prepares you for success and helps you better manage it.

When you fall down seven times, get up eight, and keep moving. According to Ashton Henry and Kyle Biskit, despite failure, you should build your character, and you will grow with your dreams. Do not surrender your dreams under any circumstances!