A driver in Virginia Beach has captured the terrifying moment a woman clung onto the bonnet of a car, pleading for help, as it sped down a busy street on 21 June .

The 20-second clip was uploaded to Facebook by Alex Lindbergh, a local resident. The incident took place on Atlantic Avenue.

In the video, the camera operator draws level with the grey saloon car and both the bonnet-riding woman and the driver, also female, make vocalisations.

"Call the police, she's trying to kill me," shouts the women on the car's exterior, while the one behind the wheel says: "She assaulted me – tried to break my window."

According to 13newsnow.com, the incident began shortly before 6pm local time near 77th Street. The two women were known to each other.

Police said the incident was a "mutual aggressor" issue, with both women being treated as suspects in their investigation.

The clip has already been watched over 16,000 times on Facebook. User Steven Lasseter said: "Never a dull moment on Virginia Beach".

It is not known what the women were arguing about.

Woman Clings Onto Car In Bizarre Traffic Incident
"Call the police, she's trying to kill me!"