Gamer RODNAE Productions/Pexels

"Exoprimal" is considered one of the biggest games to launch in 2023. The upcoming third-person shooter game was developed and published by Capcom.

The game requires teamwork as players need to cooperate to fight off massive hordes of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. To aid them in their quest, players will pilot heavily armed Exosuits. Meanwhile, here's what you need to know about the upcoming title.

'Exoprimal' release date, platforms

The game was unveiled by Capcom on March 9, 2022, during Sony's PlayStation State of Play stream, according to Windows Central. However, the company did not yet announce a specific "Exoprimal" release date but only confirmed that it will launch sometime in 2023.

The game will be released for multiple gaming platforms. These include the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

'Exoprimal' suits

Exosuits will be a major factor in the game as these suits will be the only way mere humans could hold their ground against hordes of powerful dinosaurs and other beasts. There are basically three categories of Exosuits in the game called Assault, Tank, and Support. Thankfully, players can swap between suits on the fly so donning one best suited for specific combat won't be an issue.

Assault - Deadeye
Assault Exosuits are optimized for dealing damage and annihilating enemies as quickly as possible. The Deadeye is known as a jack-of-all-trades Assault Exosuit featuring long-range or mid-range assault rifles as well as a super-charged palm strike to push back enemies.

Assault - Vigilant
Meanwhile, the Vigilant is also an assault-type Exosuit designed for long-range engagement. It uses a powerful railgun to obliterate enemies from high vantage points.

Assault – Barrage
The Barrage is described as a grenadier Exosuit. Its main weaponry includes incendiary and explosive grenades allowing it to set the battlefield alight with a barrage of explosions.

Assault – Zephyr
The Zephyr is described as a martial artist Exosuit. Capable of incredible speeds, the Assault Exosuit allows players to engage in close combat and kills targets with energy-powered tonfas.

Tank - Roadblock
Tank Exosuits are built for defense and can help protect their comrades by drawing enemy attention. Roadblock is equipped with a massive shield, which can be activated into a larger energy barrier, with the pilot covered head to toe in heavy armor.

Support - Witchdoctor
Support Exosuits help the entire team with the buffs and healing abilities. The Witchdoctor is a medic Exosuit that can repair damaged friendly Exofighters. It is also capable of enhancing their abilities, such as increasing their movement speed.