Filthy lucre: Dirty notes hauled from river Spalding PIC: Lincolnshire police
Filthy lucre: Dirty notes hauled from river Spalding PIC: Lincolnshire police

A man landed the catch of a lifetime when he hauled a bag containing £60,000 from a river in Lincolnshire.

The lucky finder was walking his dog by the River Spalding when he spotted a package floating in the water.

After pulling it on to the river bank, the huge scale of the find became clear to him. Many of the notes were wet and damaged, but a significant stash was in good condition.

Having made the discovery, the honest dog walker handed over the sum over to police in Spalding, near where the find was made.

A public appeal has now been made for the owner of the money to come forward. The fact that police are demanding evidence to support claims of ownership should deter chancers and anybody who may have something to hide.

Water damaged notes from river Spalding PIC: Lincolnshire police
Water damaged notes from river Spalding PIC: Lincolnshire police

DC Steve Hull, of Lincolnshire police said: "It isn't every day that an amount of money like this is found and somebody must have information that will help the Police trace the lawful owner. I would be grateful to hear from people who have genuine information to pass on to me."