Cloud storage is everywhere. From platforms like Google Drive to, there are many places you can store your digital files these days.

In fact, many cloud services even offer free cloud storage for a limited capacity and then let you upgrade to paid plans when you need more space. So storing information online has never been easier.

8 Ways to Use Cloud Storage
8 Ways to Use Cloud Storage Unsplash

But there's a lot more to cloud storage than just saving files. Here are a few ways you can use cloud storage to improve your life:

1. Backup photos and videos

Across the globe, 54,400 photos are taken each second. And 92.5% of those are taken with people's smartphones.

There's no doubt that digital photos and videos are taking up a lot of space. But you don't have to keep them on your phone where storage space is limited. Just back them up to the cloud. That way, you don't slow down your device and free up space for other files.

2. Keep notes

Taking notes on digital devices is pretty common. And though text files don't take up much space, there are notetaking platforms like Evernote and Google Keep that sync with the cloud so you don't have to worry about your notes ever getting lost.

You can also save voice memos to the cloud. For example, some apps allow you to record and save audio entries to the cloud to make journaling easier.

3. Collaborate on group work

You can use cloud storage to collaborate on group work. Instead of meeting in person to work on that big presentation or research project, you can have everyone work on a shared cloud file. Anytime anyone makes a change, the file is automatically updated for everyone else to see. This way, you can even collaborate in real-time.

4. Share forms and surveys

The cloud makes it easier to share forms and surveys with many people. Instead of sending an attachment, you can simply share a cloud file so recipients don't need to download anything. They can simply record their answers on the web for you to see and collect.

5. Save passwords

The average person has 100 passwords. That's a lot to remember. But with cloud storage, you can save all your passwords in a centralized and secure location. Password management programs like LastPass and 1Pasword let you keep track of all your passwords in one place so you don't have to worry about forgetting them.

6. Store important documents

Cloud storage is also a safe place for important documents. If you have IDs, contracts, travel itineraries, or other personal documents you don't want to lose, uploading them to the cloud for safekeeping is a good idea.

7. Organize digital files

Cloud platforms make it easy to organize digital files. Create different folders for different types of information and have it all accessible from one account. This saves you the time and stress of searching for things later on.

8. Host a website

Lastly, cloud storage allows you to run all sorts of applications, including web services. So instead of hosting a website on your own server, host it on the cloud. This is especially important if your website traffic grows and you need it to handle more bandwidth.


Well, there you have it! This isn't an exhaustive list of ways to use cloud storage, but it's a good place to start. If you try out one of these applications, you'll soon realize how efficient it is to use the cloud for everyday activities. Whether you want to reassure that your data is safe or you want to work more efficiently, the cloud is the way to go!