What did you wake up to today? Some would say the sound of their alarm, while others would point towards the sunlight streaming into their room. However, if you're one of the lucky ones, you probably woke up to the sound of barking, a wet tongue on your face, or maybe even both.

Some pet owners take those tiny moments for granted and maybe get a little bit annoyed. But there's no space for that attitude today because it's National Spoil Your Dog Day!

I know what you're thinking, "I don't have the budget for that." That's where you're wrong! Who said spoiling your dog had anything to do with the money? Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but to a dog, they're just shiny rocks.

Here are 3 cheap, convenient and fun ways to spoil your dog for this annual event:

Go fetch! Fetch your dog a treat

If you don't want to buy one from your local pet store, you can always give your dog something straight out of your cupboard or fridge. While keeping in mind that not all human food can be given to dogs, you can give your furry friend a spoonful of peanut butter or maybe even a piece of fruit (ex. blueberries, apples, watermelon). You can verify on this website what dogs can and cannot eat.

Walk, jog, or even run—but make sure your dog is having fun!

Apart from the fact that both of you would benefit from the exercise, dogs love exploring new places. While you're enjoying the fresh air, your pooch is smelling about 10 things at once, as dogs can smell up to 10,000 or even 100,000 times better than a human.

Don't forget to pick up after your dog though! Remember to enjoy the walk responsibly.

Give them a shower of affection (a water-based one works too!)

This is the most basic and most important way of showing your love for your furry pals. Kisses and hugs are nice, but even just a simple exclamation of, "You're such a good boy/girl," is enough for them.

Help Mr./Ms. Wet-Nose beat the summer heat by letting them splash around in an inflatable pool or allowing them to run pat your sprinklers.

At the end of the day, all the toys, treat, and accessories stay as what they are: replaceable. Only one thing truly matters to them, and that's knowing that their favourite human in the whole wide world loves them too.

National Spoil Your Dog Day 2022 Lum3n/Pexels