British Muslim
A Muslim man prays during a prayer session for murdered aid worker Alan Henning Getty Images

The mayor of the Italian city Padua said that no more permits will be granted for the construction of mosques in the wake of the massacre of journalists at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by alleged Islamist terrorists.

Massimo Bitonci, a member of the Lega Nord (Northern League), tweeted "No to new mosques" on Friday following the attack, in which 12 were killed, reports The Local.

He told Italy's Corriere "the council will not grant any more public space for the construction of mosques and Islamic places of worship", adding that controls on private spaces used for worship will also be tightened.

In a sign of solidarity with the victims, the French flag was hung outside the northern Italian city's town hall.

In the wake of the attacks Matteo Salvini, a European Parliament member for the anti-EU, anti-immigrant party, tweeted "It's at this point clear that we have our ENEMY at home."

He called for an investigation into the funding of mosques, and asked why Italy's Muslims were not out protesting the killings.

In Lombardy last year, a court ruled that urban planners must make space for non-Christian religious spaces, with the Northern League opposing the ruling, branding it a "disgrace", reports The Local.

Last year, Northern League condemned plans from authorities in Venice to open an Islamic museum.

Massimo Bitonci, senate whip for the League, accused then Prime Minister Enrico Letta of working to spread Islam in Italy.

"We do not want any Islamic museum in Venice", Bitonci said. "Letta would do better to focus on the economic crisis instead of thinking (of ways) to spread Islam," reported Gazzetta del Sud.

Muslims make up Italy's second-largest religious group, with 1.7m living in Italy, and worshipping at more than 700 mosques.

However, the religion still lacks official recognition, meaning that Islamic organisations cannot benefit under a law that allows citizens to devote part of their tax to a religious group.