
Lethal Weapon creator and Iron Man 3 director Shane Black has been put in charge of a planned reboot of Arnold Schwarzenegger franchise Predator, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The classic 80s sci-fi action film has enjoyed two rather tame sequels and two spin-offs pitting the titular alien hunters against the Xenomorphs of the Alien franchise.

The Predator as seen in the 80s original Fox

A Predator reboot is sure to have fans worried but at the very least Black appears to be a man capable of assembling something worthy of the original film's world-renowned name. Black's knack of dialogue and unabashed style fits well with the tongue-in-cheek nature of the first movie.

Black will write a treatment for the film, setting up for writer Fred Dekker to complete the final script. Dekker's credits include episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise, The Monster Squad and Robocop 3.

Released in 1987, Predator was one of the action hits that turned Schwarzenegger into a household name. Directed by Die Hard man John McTiernan, the film also starred Carl Weathers (bicep pictured above left) Jesse Ventura and even a young Shane Black, who played Hawkins.

Black was involved more extensively in the film than that minor role. After work on Monster Squad and Lethal Weapon, Predator's producers asked Black repeatedly to look over their script but each time the answer was no.

When the offer for a small role in the film was pitched, Black accepted, only to be asked once again to look at the script when he arrived on set – "I'm still not rewriting it," he reportedly said.