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Renowned for "going the extra mile for your smile,"Antlara Dental Clinic is dedicated to giving its patients the best dental care and witnessing their self-confidence blossom as a result of the clinic's exceptional work. Located in the picturesque city of Antalya, Turkey, Antlara has become a benchmark for the highest standards in patient care and clinical excellence. Since its inception in 2005, the clinic has focused on cosmetic dentistry, drawing patients from across Europe and beyond.

Antlara Dental Clinic: For a Perfect Smile
Antlara Dental Clinic: For a Perfect Smile Pixabay

Unparalleled Personalization in Dental Services

At the core of Antlara's uniqueness is its deeply personalized approach to dental care. The clinic excels in a range of treatments, including cosmetic dentistry staples like the Hollywood smile, smile design, veneers, and sophisticated implant procedures such as All on Four and All on Six dental implants. What sets these services apart is the customization according to each patient's specific needs. The clinic's team, boasting highly experienced dentists in Antalya and specialists, collaborates to ensure that every patient's journey transcends typical dental treatment and becomes a life-changing experience.

Emphasis on Patient Comfort and Holistic Care

Unique to Antlara is its holistic patient experience. Understanding the varying lengths of treatments, which typically range from 5 to 7 days, the clinic has partnered with several 5-star and boutique hotels in Antalya. This alliance ensures the utmost comfort and well-being of patients during their stay. This extends to VIP transfer services for patients undergoing extensive procedures. The clinicmeticulously plans every aspect of the patient's journey, from the length of stay to post-treatment recovery, ensuring a stress-free and healing experience.

Expanding Global Footprint with Localized Expertise

Antlara's presence extends beyond being a dental clinic in Turkey, with a significant footprint in the UK and Europe through its affiliated dental clinics in Londonand Brussels. This global network enables Antlara to offer continuity of care to its patients, providing services such as consultations, follow-up treatments, and emergency care closer to home. This global-local model is rare in the dental industry and elevates Antlara as one of the cosmetic dentistry leads in international dental care.

Distinguished Team of Dental Professionals

Antlara's commitment to excellence is evident in its staff. Each dentist undergoes rigorous training, with a 5-year dental education considered one of the toughest in Europe. Certifications are regularly scrutinized by Turkey's Ministry of Health to ensure authenticity and quality. This dedication to excellence has set Antlara apart, particularly with its predominantly European patient base, which has high expectations.

Technological Innovation and Safe, Effective Procedures

Antlara's use of cutting-edge technology like 3D X-rays and digital imaging places it at the forefront of dental innovation. Moreover, the clinic's dedication to non-invasive dental procedures like laminate veneers highlights its commitment to patient safety and long-term oral health. This ensures treatments are not only effective but also preserve the patient's natural dental structure.

Accolades and Awards

Antlara's commitment to excellence has been recognized through various awards, most notably the "2022 Best Dental Clinic" award from Global Health and Pharma. These accolades underscore the clinic's dedication to quality, innovation, and patient satisfaction, reinforcing its status as a trailblazer in global dental care.

Vision for the Future

Looking to the future, Antlara aims to expand its brand across Europe and England, aspiring to become synonymous with dental excellence worldwide.

Antlara Dental Clinic's award-winning services and patient-centric approach not only make it a premier provider of dental care but also a symbol of excellence and compassion in the field of dentistry. Anyone seeking the best cosmetic dentistsneed look no further than Antlara Dental Clinic.