Why Cybersecurity Should Be a Business Priority
Over the years, the NCSC's ACD programme has adapted to changing circumstances. Pixabay

In its ongoing commitment to transparency and evidence-based interventions, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) presents a retrospective summary of the work conducted as part of its Active Cyber Defence (ACD) programme.

Can the new NCSC's Active Cyber Defence programme enhance the UK's cybersecurity?

This marks the sixth publication of its kind, reflecting the organisation's dedication to understanding the reality of cyber-attacks and evaluating the effectiveness of its products and services.

Over the years, the NCSC's ACD programme has adapted to changing circumstances, with evolving vulnerabilities and new types of cyber threats. Nevertheless, the underlying objectives of the initiatives have remained consistent, primarily focusing on three enduring challenges in the cybersecurity landscape: sharing knowledge of threats, mitigating vulnerabilities, and responding to breaches. Recognising the need for automation to tackle these challenges efficiently, the NCSC emphasises the importance of generating scale and reach through automated processes.

Initially, the ACD programme concentrated on enhancing the cyber resilience of the public sector. However, with the UK's National Cyber Strategy advocating a "whole of society" approach, the NCSC has expanded the reach of its existing ACD services while also developing new ones.

One notable example is the extension of the Early Warning service, which is now accessible to all organisations, not solely those operating in the public sector. Throughout 2022, the NCSC continued its efforts to create services, such as the 'Cheque Your Cyber Security' initiative, that prioritises simplicity, allowing organisations without extensive cybersecurity expertise to benefit from them.

A fundamental principle of the NCSC's ACD programme is its commitment to transparency. The organisation acknowledges that transparency fosters trust among stakeholders and enables the wider cybersecurity community to learn from its experiences. By sharing data and evidence in an unbiased manner, the NCSC ensures that its interventions are based on factual information, helping to advance the collective understanding of cyber attacks and the efficacy of countermeasures.

The ACD programme recognises that the threat landscape continues to evolve, necessitating ongoing adaptation and innovation. The nature of cyber threats poses a challenge to organisations of all sizes and sectors, highlighting the importance of constant vigilance and proactive defence measures. By leveraging automated systems and technologies, the NCSC aims to provide scalable and effective solutions that can keep pace with the evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals.

The NCSC recognises that no single organisation can address the diverse challenges posed by cyber threats alone. Collaboration with both public and private sector entities, as well as international partners, is vital for the success of the ACD programme.

By fostering cooperation, sharing best practices, and collectively pooling resources, the NCSC aims to enhance the overall cyber resilience of the UK and contribute to the global cybersecurity ecosystem.

The NCSC's Active Cyber Defence programme has continually evolved to address the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. By prioritising transparency, evidence-based interventions, and automation, the NCSC strives to provide scalable solutions that can effectively counter cyber threats.

Expanding its reach beyond the public sector, the programme embraces a whole-of-society approach, ensuring that organisations of all types can benefit from its services. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, the NCSC remains committed to collaboration and partnership, recognising that a collective effort is necessary to safeguard against cyber attacks and ensure a secure digital environment for all.

CSC's ACD programme serves as a testament to the organisation's adaptability and dedication to cybersecurity. By extending the accessibility of services and developing user-friendly initiatives, the NCSC aims to empower organisations with varying levels of cybersecurity expertise.

The programme fosters trust among stakeholders and promotes a collective understanding of cyber threats through its transparent and unbiased approach. With a focus on collaboration and partnerships, the NCSC continues to drive innovation and contribute to the overall resilience of the UK's cybersecurity landscape.