According to the Daily Telegraph, David Cameron is set to announce a new 'data revolution' whereby the public will have greater information to how their local NHS, schools and hospitals are performing. All public data will be published online and David Cameron has promised a 'complete revolution in transparency.'

All public service data will be open to public scrutiny. It will give members of the public the unique chance to see how their local services are performing and judge them against national standards. It will empower people to make a choice about what services they wish to use in their local area. Ministers believe that such a shakeup will drive standards up as the public compare their local services.

However, it is expected to highlight the vast difference in quality of public services across the country.

The Daily Telegraph reports that minsters see the 'crown jewel' of the scheme to be the pupil data base. The pupil date base will give parents and pupils the opportunity to see how well teachers and schools are performing in their local area and continually monitor their progress. This data will be available from June 2012 and will be announced within the Public Service Reform White Paper next week. Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Mr Cameron said: "This is a complete revolution in transparency - and it's going to have a profound impact. First, it will enable choice, particularly for patients and parents."

The Daily Mail reports that members of the public will now have details of all complaints against NHS hospitals. Patients can use the experiences of other's to decide whether they want to use a particular service in their local area. For the first time, the Daily Mail reports, spending data by the courts will be published, enabling the public to see what sentences are being handed down in their local area and compare courts and sentencing.

Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude told the Daily Mail that the scheme was a 'world first' and was designed to transform attitudes to public services. He said: 'No other government anywhere has put data like this into the public arena. 'The disparities which will emerge vindicate the approach of offering people much more choice in public services, but also more control, and also the case for more open and diverse public services.'

Mr Cameron and his government claim to have put transparency at the heart of their agenda. They say that this 'data revolution' will empower citizens rather than alienate. The government believe that this will be the most ambitious open data agenda any government has attempted in the world.