GTA 5 Bigfoot playable character
GTA 5: Hidden playable Bigfoot character unearthed in Chiliad State Wilderness YouTube

The dream of experiencing Bigfoot gameplay in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) has finally become real, as a discerning Redditor, rkRusty, has uncovered the hidden playable Bigfoot character (Sasquatch) at some remote location in the Chiliad State Wilderness. It is ascertained that one can unlock this character by collecting the golden peyote located at specific co-ordinates (as revealed in the video) near Mount Chiliad.

According to another Redditor, YourAdultFriend, one of the recent updates which introduced the PC version's replay editor to Xbox One and PS4, actually includes a new Achievement/Trophy called Cryptozoologist. The trophy can be unlocked by capturing or spotting various animals for use in Director Mode through the discovery of rare peyote plants scattered throughout the game world, reports GameSpot.

Furthermore, the elusive access to the secret Bigfoot character in GTA 5 is invariably locked by a set of extremely challenging conditions that need to be met. For starters, you need to achieve 100% game completion in story mode and then hope to hit those specific co-ordinates in Chiliad State Wildnerness sometime between 5.30am and 8.00am when the weather is foggy.

Other prerequisites for unlocking the Bigfoot secret include the task of collecting all other peyote plants and sparing the Sasquatch during a mission where you help to hunt it down. Meanwhile, YouTube channel 2H2K has posted a gameplay video depicting the playable Bigfoot in action, wherein it is seen driving vehicles and firing weapons at will.

The report further clarifies you cannot play this character in First Person mode and the gameplay will end as in a hallucination when you decide to quit. In other words, the Bigfoot gameplay is segregated from the outside game world and the game progress cannot be saved while playing as this mighty beast.