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GTA 5 Online: Hydra Easter-Egg in Max Payne 3 and Alien Invasion Mission Gameplay Revealed Rockstar Games

Renowned YouTuber DomisLive (aka Dom) has revealed a brand new Hydra Easter-Egg for GTA Online in Max Payne 3 with due credit to Redditors, Cheeky Doge and Kohtem, who have shared their exclusive gameplay footage for the same.

The footage reveals a few close-up snapshots of the Hydra jet plane, which is highly-speculated to debut in GTA Online with the upcoming DLC releases.

This theory is further strengthened by the fact that Max Payne 3 arrived in 2012 and GTA 5 came out in 2013, as Rockstar seems to have deliberately hidden these Easter-eggs in the Max Payne game.

As shown in the video (below), the screenshot at the bottom left corner of the screen clearly hints at the Hydra jet plane seen in GTA: San Andreas which is due for release in GTA Online.

Along similar lines, Rockstar could be hiding a few Easter-eggs pertaining to GTA 6 in GTA 5, as gamers have been constantly unearthing new Easter-eggs that invariably hint at upcoming DLC releases or future game content for GTA Online.

In related news, Dom teams up with another renowned YouTuber iCrazyTeddy to reveal some insanely funny moments in GTA Online with an unexpected Alien invasion in a team deathmatch.

As seen in the video, some pranksters seem to be wearing weird Alien costumes with fully-upgraded weapons such as the mini-gun in their deathmatch against the two YouTubers.

Check out the video (below) to see the insane Alien invasion in action: