GTA 5 Player Ban

Over the last two weeks, there has been a lot of talk about Rockstar banning or punishing GTA 5 players who have been cheating on GTA Online. Hundreds of our readers have been mailing us with questions pertaining to this matter. Here are answers to some of the FAQs.

1) If a player has received a lot of illegal money from a cheater, will he or she be banned?

Answer: The player won't get banned, but he or she won't get to keep the 10 figure balance either.

Rockstar's response: "To keep the gameplay environment as fair as possible for legitimate players, we routinely do sweeps to separate out cheaters and modders, and to reverse any illegitimate transactions. These sweeps are based on in-game automated detection, examination of suspicious gameplay statistics, and also manually-reviewed evidence submitted by the Community. If you were not engaged in any wilful cheating or exploiting yourself, you do not need to worry about getting caught up in our work to separate out cheaters from the rest of the population."

2) How do we request Rockstar to clean you up?

Rockstar's response: "If you have been gifted a large sum of money or collected a large bounty and would like to have the money removed from your account immediately, you can submit a request to Rockstar Support to have your balance properly adjusted."

However, Rockstar says that it has a fix in the works. Once it is served up through an update, it is expected that everything will sort itself out.

3) Upset that the game's becoming unfair? Here is the method to report cheaters.

Rockstar's says: "If you encounter someone that is taking advantage of exploits in your GTA Online session, you can alert us directly by using the in-game reporting functionality.

In the Pause menu, under the Online tab, select Players and scroll to the offending player. From there, select Report and choose Exploits from the violation options. We appreciate the community's support and understanding as we work to address these issues and apologise for all inconvenience caused."