lose weight for love
Lose Weight for Love airs tonight (18 May) on BBC1 BBC

Just when we thought there couldn't be more diet fads out there, from Atkins to Paleo and the Beyoncé-famed cayenne pepper and lemon juice regimen that's akin to self-inflicted torture, there's a new weight loss plan that's all about love. We thought we'd never see the day.

Wednesday night's programme, Lose Weight for Love, is the first episode of four in the new BBC1 series that's all about weight loss, and it's just in time for bikini season. But you won't find some snooty doctor ordering you to kick the cake habit and patiently wait for the pounds to drop off as you relentlessly gnaw on a celery stick, because it follows overweight couples beginning their weight loss journey together.

Today's lovebirds are finding themselves in an unhealthy rut where they're more likely to crack open a sharing bag of Doritos in front of the telly rather than jog in unison around the park for what feels like eternity. Tonight, viewers will see how it's easy to egg on your loved one when it comes to scoffing, and that many of us subconsciously encourage our other half's bad eating habits, or, even worse, sabotage their diet. Who thought we were a nation of feeders?

Even more alarmingly, approximately 60% of people gain weight when they find themselves in a comfortable relationship. Best stay single forever, then. The first episode sees clinical psychologist Tanya Byron and her team help Phil (24 stone) and Becky (15 stone) spend 10 weeks living apart to see if they can lose weight on their own, after packing on the pounds in their relationship.

The individuals are provided with designated exercise and eating plans along with psychological guidance over their attitude and preconceptions about food. Specialists help "rewire" Phil's mind-set so that he'll reject his current favourite sugary, fat-laden snacks and drinks in favour of healthier grub. A slow, challenging process for the pair – we'll find out if they combat their weighty woes and cycle of binge eating that is threatening their relationship and see if they come out a little lighter at the end of the show.

Watch Lose Weight for Love on BBC1 at 8pm tonight (18 May).