Donald Trump
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has a rising number of haters on Twitter Reuters

Donald Trump reminds us of Kanye West in some ways. Both men consider themselves America's salvation — one from the political standpoint, the other from mediocre music. And both use Twitter rigorously to offer their opinions on almost any subject under the sun.

Twitter first took on Kanye, with #PrayforKanye and now it's got its target set on the US presidential candidate. Following the gloves-off GOP debate on 25 February between Trump and senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz (and Ben Carson who was not as involved in the Trump attack), the internet decided to get in on the action and #NeverTrump was born.

The hashtag that was started on 26 February has gone on to trend globally with people using it to offer reasons why they would never vote for Trump.

From his stance on building a wall along the America-Mexico border to Muslims, African-Americans, Jews, global warming and foreign policy, people are getting tired of his uninformed comments and have found a united front on Twitter to express their frustration.

Here's a look at some of the best tweets yet:

And it wasn't only Americans who voiced their opinions...