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Researchers from the Conservation International have discovered 46 new species in Suriname in South America.

The researchers discovered 46 new species and documented nearly 1,300 species during their scientific expedition. They had explored three remote sites along the Kutari and the Sipaliwini rivers near the village of Kwamalasumutu for three weeks.

Cowboy frog, armored catfish and pacman frog were among the 46 species discovered by the researchers during their expedition.

The Cowboy frog has white fringes along its legs and a spur on each heel. It was discovered during a night survey in a swampy area of the Koetari river.

The Armored catfish's armor is covered with spines to defend itself from giant piranhas which inhabit the same waters.

The pacman frog has a wide mouth that allows it to swallow prey that is nearly as large as its own body, including birds, mice and other frogs.

"The Kwamalasamutu area's pristine nature and cultural heritage make it a unique destination for more adventurous tourists, who enjoy trekking through the dense rainforest to discover flora and fauna. CI-Suriname and the Trio are hoping to further develop a niche market ecotourism site here, while the recommendations from the RAP will help the community to manage and maintain the 18,000 ha sanctuary they created around the region's incredible Werehpai petroglyph caves," says Dr. Trond Larsen, scientist at the Conservation International.