Google Glass
Google Glass is currently available to developers as the Explorer Edition, priced at $1,500. (Google)

"Sex with Glass" is a new erotic app for Google Glass that allows users to shoot videos with the device during intercourse.

The people behind the app claim it wants to "change the way people experience things".

"Having sex with Google Glass on brings a completely new perspective", a post on the website says. "Experience sex like never before. Simply swipe to a new perspective. And enjoy the new view. When you connect your phone, you can even see what it's like from any angle."


The app also promises to "put all the footage together" at the end of the session so that users can view the experience from different perspectives.

The app even has a few commands that will allow users to access its unique functionality. Saying "Ok Glass, play Marvin Gaye" will turn the music on, "ok glass, the lights" will turn the lights off and "ok glass, give me ideas" will arm the user with a variety of creative positions for him or her to refer to.


It goes without saying that the functionality of the app could raise some serious privacy concerns. To reassure users, the makers have promised that the "video disappear in 5 hours".

"You'll be able to watch your videos for 5 hours until they are deleted forever. That's for all the ladies out there."


The app is not out yet. However, users who are keen on getting it can sign up on its website to receive information and updates on availability.

Is Google involved?

The project was created at a Wearable Tech Hackathon in London and its makers have stated that Google has nothing to do with it. They said, "Nope. Google didn't really ask us to do this. We just did it."