gurbaksh chahal ceo radiumone
Fromer Radiumone CEO: Gurbaksh Chahal Radiumone

The CEO of Silicon Valley company RadiumOne has been fired after being charged with beating his girfriend.

Gurbaksh Chahal, 31, reportedly kicked and battered his girlfriend in a row over infidelity.

Police reportedly obtained home security footage that showed the entrepreneur striking the woman 117 times over half an hour.

Chahal pleaded guilty to domestic violence and battery. He was sentenced to three years' probation, 52 weeks in a domestic violence training programme, and 25 hours of community service.

The sentencing sparked angry comments on social media.

In order to defend himself, Chahal wrote on his personal blog a post entitled Can you handle the truth?, claiming he had received "death threats and hateful language aimed not just at what I was accused of, but attacking me for my ethnicity, my social class, and even my gender".

"Many would gladly lynch me based because of my origin - and not the facts of my case," he claimed.

"I fully understand the outrage of those who believe I got off 'lightly' as asserted by numerous postings on social media sites.

"But the $500 (£297) fine I agreed to pay, the equivalent of a speeding ticket, is simply what those misdemeanours require, and in no way reflects the toll that this ordeal has exacted on me."

Chahal justified the violence by claiming that he had discovered that his girlfriend was having unprotected sex in exchange of money.

"We had a normal argument. She called 911 after I told her I was going to contact her father regarding her activities.

"And yes, I lost my temper. I understand, accept full responsibility and sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart for that," he said.