Star Wars Battlefront
An AT-ST walker takes heavy fire in Star Wars Battlefront EA

EA's Star Wars Battlefront has reportedly sold 12 million copies since its launch in November - no doubt aided by the huge excitement surrounding the release of JJ Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens in mid-December.

Video game industry analyst Michael Pachter (via Forbes) estimated the figures, which if accurate, would mean the game has generated approximately $660 million (£447m) in revenue to date. His figures are backed up by research analyst Evan Wilson, who estimates the game sold up to 13 million copies.

This big success comes despite the game depicting events during the original 1977-1983 trilogy of films and not anything from the new film. However, there may well be additional content based on it released for Battlefront some time in 2016.

The Force Awakens has been represented in the video game medium with a new playset for Disney Infinity 3.0, which was released alongside the film and did depict the events from it (don't worry, no spoilers here).

Pachter believes Disney Infinity's Star Wars games (based on The Force Awakens and the Clone Wars animated TV series) have generated £200m in revenue during the latter part of 2015, putting it ahead of competing toys-to-life games Lego Dimensions and Skylanders – which are each estimated to have generated around $150m in sales.

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