While Sony is busy teasing gamers about all the good things about the PS5, Microsoft opts for a unique approach. Right now, the public knows more about PlayStation 5, thanks to announcements from the manufacturer. In contrast, there is very little information about Microsoft's next-generation system. Hence, insiders claim that it will be more powerful than Sony's machine, but until both systems officially debut, this is pure speculation. On the other hand, Xbox All Access users have something good coming their way. The company confirms existing subscribers are eligible to receive an Xbox Scarlett as an upgrade option when it is launched in 2020.

By now, most gamers know that buying a new game system is a big investment. With talks going around about the retail price of the Xbox Scarlett and PlayStation 5, both systems will not come cheap. At least Xbox All Access helps gamers have a leg up over the competition with the promotional upgrade offer. This announcement arrived shortly after Microsoft repackaged the service for the U.S., U.K., and Australia, as noted by Gizmodo.

Individuals who have an active Xbox All Access membership get to have an Xbox system and a 24-month membership to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Consumers who have it pay an estimated $20 a month, which already seems like a great deal. Microsoft's decision to include the Xbox Scarlett upgrade appears to be a brilliant marketing strategy to attract more gamers into its ecosystem.

Introducing Xbox All Access. A new way to purchase an Xbox One without having to pay the total cost at once and still have the ability to upgrade 👀

📲 Similar to how you sign up for a phone contract
💸 No upfront cost
🎮 Xbox Game Pass included
🔮 Upgrade to Project Scarlett pic.twitter.com/rN5L8ObIC8

— Samuel Bateman (@samuelofc) October 28, 2019

Even though everything sounds impressive, buyers should be aware of its caveats. Depending on where the subscriber lives, the consoles available right now might not include the Xbox One X. Next, the service must be purchased from participating retail partners. U.S. residents can get from Amazon, while those in the U.K. can head to GAME or go online with Smyths Toys. Finally, gamers from Down Under can grab theirs from Telstra.

As I predicted...

An Upgrade to Next Gen Xbox Scarlett with Xbox All Access pic.twitter.com/ryR1XjtLu3

— Jamie Moran (@JamieMoranUK) October 29, 2019

In the meantime, recent leaks are hinting that the Xbox Scarlett will not rely on range-topping specifications alone. Patent documents reveal that Microsoft might be working on a successor to the Kinect alongside a new VR accessory. Furthermore, one of the new products detailed in the papers shows a modular mat with haptic feedback for use with virtual reality applications.

Xbox Project Scorpio
A new promotional image for Project Scorpio. Microsoft