Zac Efron

Zac Efron and his bodyguard found themselves in a brawl with several homeless men after a trip to a shady part of downtown Los Angeles went sour.

During his High School Musical heyday Zac Efron was an object of great derision among men. He's stupidly handsome and stupidly talented – we hated him.

That time came to pass however and the hate faded into apathy as Efron took on serious roles and solidified himself as a genuinely good actor. Some however, apparently held on to that grudge.

TMZ report that after "mysteriously" ending up in the area (ie. nobody would tell TMZ why) around midnight on Sunday 23 March, the That Awkward Moment and Bad Neighbours star was punched in the face by a homeless man.

Law enforcement went on to say that Efron and his bodyguard were attacked because the homeless group believed they had thrown bottles at them. At least three of them attacked the bodyguard before Efron leapt to his aid – only to be met with a solid hook to the chops.

"It was the hardest I've ever been hit in my life," said the 26-year-old allegedly.

Police were patrolling the rough area known for gangs and drug deals when they saw the fight unfolding. No arrests were made because police viewed it as "mutual combat".