
Ratko Mladic and the ICTY: A kangeroo court or not?

"Can a criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia which ignores pervasive violence by the U.S. and diverts public awareness from United States conduct and legitimatizes by silent acceptance aerial and missile assaults on civilians and illegal weapons use against one country after another, making its repetition expected before it occurs, contribute to the hope for the rule of law, justice or peace?"

Rwanda genocide: Ex-army chief Augustin Bizimungu given 30-year sentence

Over 100 days in 1994, after the assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana the 6th April 1994, Rwanda's Hutu majority led by the government carried out the organized slaughter of the country's Tutsi minority and any Hutus who sympathized with them, killing an estimated 800 000 people in the space of three months. In July of the same year, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) finally managed to gain hold of the country and the killings started to decrease.