Three Bangladeshi factory employees, of Tazreen Fashions a garment factory in Bangladesh, where more than 100 people died and 150 were injured at the weekend. In what has been called the country's worst ever industrial blaze . Have been arrested following complaints from some survivors that these three men, an administrative officer, a store's manager and a security supervisor stopped workers from running out of the multi-storey building when a fire alarm went off.

The three men were taken to face the media as part of the investigations into this fire, which has been called the country's worst-ever industrial blaze. Working conditions at Bangladeshi factories are notoriously poor, with little enforcement of safety laws and overcrowding and locked fire doors are common. Police say the attack was arson.

Recently there have been a series of arson attacks on other garment factories in Bangladesh and this CCTC footage shows two arsonists, a man and a woman setting fire to bales of cotton clothes in Ashulia. To the left of the screen a woman wearing a mauve head walks to a table. She briefly disappears from view beneath the table and then is shown again walking through the room and out of range of the camera. Smoke soon begins billowing, first slowly then more rapidly.Then a man walks into view. Both people have been arrested and are now in custody.

Bangladesh has about 4,500 garment factories and is the world's biggest exporter of clothing after China, with garments making up 80 % of its $24 billion annual exports. And these attacks following each other have raised concern among manufacturing leaders that the industry is under attack.

I am Ann Salter thanks for watching. Stay tuned for the latest news and updates with me at

Written and presented by Ann Salter