A house party in Canada's largest city ended in tragedy last night after two people were shot dead and 19 others had to be hospitalised.

It all happened at an outdoor party in Scarborough in the east side of Toronto - a city normally known for its low crime rate. Some sort of argument ended with a teenage girl and a young man dying and around 200 people running in fear for their lives as gunfire broke out. Apparently an infant was also wounded but his injuries aren't life threatening. Bill Blair - Toronto's chief of police – said Scarborough has never experienced violence like it: "It's difficult to describe this is not only unprecedented in Toronto. I've been a cop for 35 years and this is the worst incident of gun violence in my memory anywhere in North America. It's a very shocking event a lot of innocent people were injured tonight."

Officers are still gathering information about the incident from eyewitnesses and they'll soon be talking to some of the victims of the shooting are now being treated at various hospitals in the local area.