Marverine Cole

SME Funding: Crisis of Cash Flow?

In this video exclusive special report, IBTimes UK looks at the challenges businesses have in finding funding, and what alternatives to the banks are available.

'Disgraceful': RBS CEO labels LIBOR rate miscreants

'Disgraceful…wrongdoers' who have 'no place in the banking industry', that's how Stephen Hester the Chief Exec of Royal Bank of Scotland has labelled the 21 staff who were identified as being involved in rigging the interbank lending rate, LIBOR.

Banned drug 'a factor' in marathon runner's death

In death, she raised over a million pounds for The Samaritans. In life her aim as she ran last year's London Marathon was to try and beat her personal best of 3 hours 51 minutes and raise a mere £500.

Child seized by killer gunman in Alabama

Chaos and uncertainty in Alabama in the United States after a school bus driver is shot dead by a lone gunman who then escaped with a young boy from the bus and is currently holding him hostage.

UK troops set for Mali to train French military

Cheers from the people of Timbuktu as a convoy of French and Mali military goes through the town to set up check-points. A triumph for the combined effort of both armies which has effectively kicked Islamist fighters out of the ancient town.

IDF 'killed 10 Palestinians' using deadly force

A human rights organisation in Israel has accused its country's military of killing at least 10 Palestinian protestors in the occupied West Bank since 2005, in what they consider the inappropriate use of weapons to control crowds.

WEF: Russia's Medvedev worried by financial crises

It's not often you hear the Russians talk about being worried and although he looks much more smiley than concerned here - a furrowed brow sentiment is just what the country's Prime Minister revealed today at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

TV host Stuart Hall charged with rape

In the 1970s and 80s he was the anchor of the BBC's local news in the North West of England as well as the humorous host of popular entertainment show 'It's A Knockout' , but now Lancashire Police has delivered more news that will further shock

David Cameron commits to EU referendum

In or out? In or out? Prime Minister David Cameron's said it's time we're asked to make a decision on Europe. In a speech in London he said he knows public disillusionment with the EU is at an all-time high.

Dreamliner makes emergency landing in Japan

Costing around £129 million each, with the ability to carry around 800 people passengers, The Dreamliner's tipped to be the future of commercial aviation, but the Boeing 787 plane has been dogged by no end of technical problems of late.

Two dead in London helicopter crash

The lone pilot of a helicopter and one other person have died after the plane crashed into a crane during this morning's foggy rush hour in London. Four more people have been taken to hospital, one is in a critical condition.
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