Windows 10
Screenshot of leaked build 9879 of Windows 10. ithome

A leaked screenshot from the internal build of Windows 10 reveals new details that are expected to accompany the next preview version.

The screenshot (check above) comes from build 9879, which was compiled around the 2<sup>nd of this month, reports WinBeta. The new build brings a number of improvements over the last Technical Preview with build 9860.

The screenshot, shared by ithome, suggests that Microsoft is working on certain UI elements adding more options to it. Additionally, the latest build brings the ability to hide the 'Search and Task View' buttons on the taskbar by right clicking the taskbar, a feature for which users have been waiting for a long time.

The home area in the File Explorer sees some additional changes with the ability to pin things. The Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is now updated with the feedback smiley in the top right hand corner of the window. This allows submitting feedback directly from IE about IE.

In the Modern UI apps, the charms bar button drop down menu available in the top left has been changed from three dots to the hamburger-style button, although the function is still same but with a more universal look.

Apart from this, there are a few smaller changes in this build, with Microsoft working hard to bring new improvements. Currently, there is no information on the release of this new Preview build but it is expected to soon.