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Pet hamsters could pass Covid to humans, study suggests

The researchers at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have found that pet hamsters were the most likely source of the latest Covid-19 outbreak in Hong Kong. The Delta variant of the coronavirus has been leading the current surge in the region.
China swab test

Delta-Omicron coronavirus hybrid variant confirmed in France

The scientists in France have detected a strain of the coronavirus that appears to have combined mutations from the Omicron and Delta variants of Covid-19. They believe that the mutation may have been circulating since early January in several regions of the country.
COVID-19 study show possible inflammatory neurological condition

MRI scans reveal how Covid-19 infection changes the brain

A study conducted by scientists in the UK has revealed that Covid-19 infection changes the human brain. The findings which have now been published in the journal Nature are based on the health data of 401 people who have had Covid and 384 healthy persons.