Prince Harry Opens New Royal Navy Centre In Devon
Britain's Prince Harry on Friday (August 02) opened a new Royal Navy centre aimed at boosting Britain's amphibious fighting capabilities.
In his role as Commodore-in-Chief of Small Ships and Diving, the royal travelled to Devonport naval base in Plymouth to launch Royal Marines Tamar - the new £30 million base to be used to teach servicemen a range of skills from handling hovercrafts to staging beach landings.
Dressed in his Dismounted Service Uniform of the Blues & Royals with Army Air Corps beret he spoke to some of the Royal Marines in the parade.
Watched by a large crowd the 28-year-old unveiled the centre's plaque, before taking the Royal Salute and the Royal March Past.
Colonel Garth Manger, the military unit's commanding officer, said bringing facilities and personnel together at Tamar would help deliver amphibious capabilities.
Presented by Adam Justice