Anders Behring Breivik Timeline: The Massacre, The Trial, The Sentence [VIDEO]

Anders Behring Breivik, a 33-year old right-wing extremist, killed 77 people in Norway on 22 July, 2011, in one of the worst terrorist attacks in Europe since the Second World War. IBTimes UK shows how events unfolded, from the bomb blast that killed Breivik's first eight victims to the final sentence.
Friday 22 July 2011. The Massacre
15:26 (13:26 GMT) - Car bomb in Oslo
A white Volkswagen Crafter, parked in front of a government building in the centre of Oslo, explodes. An estimated 950kg of explosives detonate simultaneously.
Eight people die in the massive explosion and a number of government offices are damaged, including the prime minister's office. Oslo is engulfed in a cloud of smoke and broken glass.
17:18 - Gun rampage starts in Utoya
A man in a police uniform gets off a ferry and steps on to the dock of the small Island of Utoya, where a youth camp run by the Labour party is taking place. He tells the ferryman he is travelling to the island to "do research in connection with the bomb blasts".
The new arrival beckons a group of young people towards him, saying they are now safe. Once they are close he begins shooting, using the automatic rifle and pistol hidden in his clothing.
"You all must die," he shouts while shooting.
17:26 - Police alerted.
Police at the nearby station in Hønefoss are told of the shooting. Oslo police are called for assistance and a Swat team is despatched from Oslo at 17:40.
The gunman is still shooting, using dum-dum bullets, designed to disintegrate once inside the body to cause heavy internal damage. Some teenagers try to flee the island, throwing themselves into the sub-zero waters of the lake.

18:09 - Swat arrives at lake
Local police arrives at the lake around 17:50 but there is no suitable craft ready to take them to the island. The Swat team arrives by car from Oslo at 18:09 but the ship they embark on is too small and the engine stops halfway to the island. Local police chief Erik Berga will later say that the boat nearly sank because of its heavy load.
The team transfer to two privately owned boats and reach Utoya at 18:25. By this time the killer has been shooting undisturbed for more than an hour.
18:27 - Breivik is arrested
A group of teenagers direct the Swat team towards the gunman. As soon as they find him he stops shooting and surrenders, hands above his head. He does not try to shoot at the police despite having still a "considerable amount" of ammunition, officers say.
By the time he surrenders, the gunman, later be identified as Anders Behring Breivik, has already killed 69 people and injured 33. The vast majority of his victims are teenagers attending the camp.
Monday 16 April 2012. The Trial starts
The trial against the worst terrorist Norway has ever known starts at Oslo's district court.
Breivik enters the court room dressed in a dark suit. He is apparently calm and smiling. Before sitting, he gives a closed-fist salute.
Breivik confirms he was the man who placed the car bomb in Oslo and killed 69 on Utoya. He pleads not guilty as he does not accept criminal responsibility for acts he believes were "based on goodness, not evil" and "cruel but necessary" to defend Norway against immigration and multiculturalism.
Breivik begins crying as the court is shown a video he made about multiculturalism prior to the attacks.
Friday 22 June 2012. The trial ends: crazy or sane?
Eleven months after the massacre, the trial against Anders Behring Breivik comes to its end. Numerous victims and some of the killer's friends have provided witness testimonies in front of the court.
Defence lawyer Geir Lippestad asks that Breivik be considered sane and accountable for his actions, as these were motivated by a political ideology. He also asks for his client to be acquitted, as Breivik believes the killings to be justified. However the prosecution asks that Breivik be confined to to psychiatric care instead of prison.
If considered mentally sane, Breivik will face a sentence of maximum 21 years imprisonment - a term he defines as "pathetic". However the length of a killer's psychiatric detention can vary.
Friday 24 August 2012. Verdict and sentence
Anders Behring Breivikfound guilty and sentenced to 21 years, the maximum allowed under Norwegian law.

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