Top Toys Revealed For Christmas 2013
Robotic fish, flying fairies and hi-tech Furbies are set to dominate the Christmas wish list this year after the top ten toys for the festive season were revealed at an exhibition in London on Wednesday (November 6).
A panel of independent toys experts has selected some of the items expected to be most in demand, including the robotic puppy Texter, a toy gun called the Nurf N-Strike Elite and an updated version of the classic board game Monopoly.
One of the biggest highlights was the UK-produced Flying Fairy.
"We have some amazing products this year, the highlight is the flying fairy. This is a fairy that actually flies, no strings attached, and when you see it working and see the children's eyes light up it just really brings the magic to life. We have got Texter which is a back-flipping puppy, so this is a dog which will do back flips and it'll walk and it works with hand gestures, we've got Furby Boom! so this is last year's Furby with some new technology brought in, and then we've got some really good traditional toys as well, so we have got Monopoly Empire, building on a classic, but this rather than buying property you buy companies like Microsoft and McDonalds, so really nice twist on an old classic," said Andrea Abbis of the Toy Retail Association.
The list was unveiled at the annual Dream Toys event in central London, hosted by the Toy Retailers Association.
The panel of buyers behind the list represents around 80 per cent of the country's top toy retailers, including Hamleys, Toys R US and Argos.
Experts said tech toys will be in highest demand, including the LeapPad Ultra, with the children's tablet market set to be worth £80 million by the end of 2013.
Presented by Adam Justice