A new study by Prof Jonathan Bradshaw of the University of York showed that the cost of living crisis in the West Midlands is affecting 70.9% of the population. Similarly, 57.9% of those in the southeast position of the U.K. and 76.3% of those in Northern Ireland are also struggling with energy bills.

By January, an estimated two-thirds of all U.K. households will be trapped in fuel poverty as planned government support leaves even middle-income households struggling to make ends meet and pay their bills.

This warning follows revised forecasts from Cornwall Insight's predictions last week that annual energy bills could top £4,200 from January. A week before that, they released that the energy price cap was on track to rise to £3,615.

As the cost of living soars and threatens everybody with a long and cold winter, the Enough is Enough campaign was launched by trade unions, community organisations and MPs to place pressure on the government and businesses to act on the rising costs.

The campaign also urges everyone to take direct action against these alarming predictions, especially as the profits of energy companies continue to increase amidst this energy crisis. The campaign's website further adds, "[We need to] push back against the misery forced on millions by rising bills, low wages, food poverty, shoddy housing – and a society run only for a wealthy elite."

Mick Lynch, general secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) recently expressed his frustrations in an interview posted on the Enough is Enough campaign's official Twitter account, saying, "People are getting poorer every day. They can't pay their bills, [and] they're being treated despicably in the workplace. There is a massive response coming from working people cause they're fed up with the way they're being treated ."

The Enough is Enough campaign is supported by CWU, Tribune, ACORN, Fans Supporting Foodbanks, Right to Food Campaign, Zarah Sultana MP and Ian Byrne MP.

Mick Lynch 2022
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