A thirty-seven-year-old man from Grangemouth scooped the runner-up prize of £10,000 a month for a year in the 'Set for Life' draw on Monday, November 28, with a Lucky Dip that he bought on the National Lottery website.

Steven Dunbar shared with Falkirk Herald his excitement and glee over winning the lottery this close to Christmas and after an especially tough year.

He said, "You're always hoping for good news, but you never really think it will happen to you. I ran straight through to the bedroom to get my partner, Rebecca, out of bed. She's not usually a morning person, but I've never seen her move that fast! Everyone has been so happy for us – it really has brought a bit of hope and joy to everyone around us."

Winning the lottery is a much-needed win for Steven and his family, who lost a close family friend and two family members just a few months before. They shared that they had already planned a low-key Christmas, as their circumstances did not put them in a celebratory mood.

Steven said, "I just kept thinking, 'give us a break' - and then this happened! This has given us the lift we needed. They must be looking over us. It has been a gift from heaven. It's been a hard year for everyone, so I really want to spread hope – it really can happen to hard-working people like us."

He also elaborated on the gift of choice this staggered win gave them. With an extra £10,000 a month for an entire year, he and his family can simultaneously fulfil lifelong dreams and plan for the future.

"This has given us options. Yes, we could pay off our mortgage, but we'd be doing that anyway. So why not enjoy it and do things we might not have been able to in the past? Life is too short," he shared.

The grateful man also added, "This win has been so special for us that I'm going to create something of a shrine to The National Lottery in the man cave to ensure we never forget this feeling – I think the giant cheque will look great on the wall!"

Lottery rigged hack Eddie Tipton
Computer programmer and mastermind behind rigging the US lottery six times is facing a jail sentence of 25-years.