Scientists reveal truth about claims 'NASA found parallel universe where time runs backwards'
Scientists did not discover alternative reality close to ours.
Several reports claiming that NASA has found evidence of parallel universe that is going backward in time have emerged. However, the veracity of the claims remains questioable until the truth is established. As per the latest update, the truth about the findings is "likely to be less exotic."
Based on a New Scientist article about "strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica," several news outlets reported that this could be a discovery of a parallel universe or alternative reality as known in many popular sci-fi movies. However, scientists have responded to the reports with a clarification.
According to Independent, the reports were based on findings made in 2016 "from the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), which uses an array of radio antennas suspended from a helium balloon flying at a height of about 37,000 meters to detect radio pulses sent out by cosmic neutrinos during flights in December 2006 and December 2014." The experiment is a collaboration of several universities and partially funded by NASA and the US Department of Energy.
As per the report, scientists did discover particles that stray away from the Standard Model, but no evidence of a parallel universe.
Speaking to Independent, Peter Gorham, the Professor of Physics at the University of Hawaii quoted in the original article, clarified that their research "had nothing to do with the development of the parallel-universe idea."
"Unfortunately the journalism on this has not distinguished very well between our experimental work which identified some anomalies in the data, and the theory proposed by some physicists who are not a part of our collaboration," Gorham went on to explain. "While I am not opposed to free speculation regarding the anomalies we have observed, our own opinion is that they are more likely to be explainable in terms of physics that is likely to be much less exotic," he added.
The science and technology magazine published the article about the scientists' experiments on April 8 discussing the puzzling results from studies conducted in Antarctica about highly energetic neutrinos coming through Earth from space.
Some of the other explanations about the phenomena reportedly included a possibility of the "cosmic rays from a bright supernova blasted all the way through the earth" as mentioned in a blog post by the University of Hawaii. The discovery is believed to indicate at a new model of physics.
Speaking with Science Alert, Gorham said that their data may have "small number of anomalies," however, they are far away from considering it to be a parallel universe phenomenon.

"We have encountered a small number of anomalies in our data, and once we have exhausted all of the possible explanations within the Standard Model of physics, only then is it time to consider other ideas that push those boundaries - we are really not there yet, certainly not at the point where parallel universes are necessary!" Groham said.
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