Miss Piggy is finally reuniting with her longtime love, Kermit the Frog.

For the past 19 years, Kermit the Frog has languished alone in a glass case, since being donated to the American History Museum in 1994.

Now, more than 20 Jim Henson puppets and props, including Miss Piggy, have been donated to The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. on the anniversary of the creator's birthday-- September 24, 1936.

The Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show, Bert and Elmo from Sesame Street, and Red Fraggle and Traveling Matt from Fraggle Rock are also among the new additions.

"I feel especially honored to accept these objects for the national collections. They represent the vast creativity of one of America's great innovators: Jim Henson. Over the course of his all-too-brief career he extended the boundaries of puppetry, building an industry by using the limitless wonders offered by electronic media of film and television," Dwight Blocker Bowers, a curator at the Smithsonian Institute, said.

Henson died in 1990 but his whimsical legacy lives on.

His daughter, Cheryl Henson, said she was very pleased that the puppets will now be shared and appreciated by fans and the general public instead of staying in boxes.

"I think that our whole family recognizes how amazing it is to have my father's work placed in the cultural context of this country. It's just beautiful, so thank you, thank you," she said. "Also, many of these puppets have been in boxes for years, they have been tucked away in boxes and and we don't want them to stay in boxes. We want people to see them and to appreciate them."

Fans of the Muppets will be able to see some of these latest additions to the collection in December in a new exhibition on puppetry. Miss Piggy will take a star turn as part of the museum's permanent "American Stories" exhibition.

Presented by Adam Justice