God Particle Could Destroy Universe: Amused Netizens Post Hilarious Reactions to Stephen Hawking's Warning

Stephen Hawking recently revealed that the 'God Particle' (Higgs boson), detected by scientists in 2012, has the power to end the universe.
The physicist stated that at very high energy levels the Higgs boson could become unstable, causing a "catastrophic vacuum decay" that would cause space and time to collapse.
However, there's no need to panic as it's not happening anytime soon. "Most likely it will take 10 to the 100 years [a 1 followed by 100 zeroes] for this to happen, so probably you shouldn't sell your house and you should continue to pay your taxes," Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, said during his lecture at the SETI Institute on September 2.
So there's time before the world ends and according to netizens, the best way to spend some of that time is posting some hilarious tweets and memes about the 'God Particle' destruction. Check them out below:
Just found out there is a #GodParticle that could potentially end the world SO YEAH THANKS #StephenHawking MY DAY IS NOW EVEN WORSE
— Caleb Townsend (@calebthehairy) September 8, 2014
Scientists confirmed the God Particle today but not everyone is happy about it! #godparticle pic.twitter.com/Ox72tWWhZe — Stu Pidass (@nelly2112) March 14, 2013
.@TheTweetOfGod Looks like Mr.Hawking knows your little secret. Got a failsafe? #GodParticle
— Phani Kumar (@slotlocker) September 8, 2014
I would like to ask Hawkins, where will the #GodParticle fall? Pakistan, Iraq or North Korea. Any Guess? — GAPAGAP (@gapagapdotcom) September 9, 2014
If #GodParticle can destroy the universe, shouldn't it be called ANTI-God Particle? #irony
— Vishal Varshney (@VarshneyV) September 9, 2014
#godparticle can finish off earth and you wouldn't even see it coming, says Hawking. Now I know what next Hollywood movie's plot will be. — F0rb1dd3n (@cuck00call1ng) September 9, 2014
Stephen Hawking: God particle could wipe out the universe http://t.co/U6vJDnbezb So I could have skipped my Sept rent check? #GodParticle
— Max Sweeten (@MaxSweeten) September 8, 2014
ATTN supervillain upstarts: Stephen Hawking provides instructions on how to destroy the universe: http://t.co/HZpai66pYq #godparticle — Mary Toves (@MaryToves) September 8, 2014
Disappointed more #GodParticle articles today don't start w/ Homer Simpson quote "I wish I'd read that book by that wheelchair guy."
— Tippi Blevins (@TippiB) September 8, 2014
Stephen Hawking doesnt know what hes typing about. #GodParticle — Imperial Intern (@Imperial_Intern) September 8, 2014
#Pixar - #StephenHawking says #GodParticle could wipe out the #Universe also sad #Aliens might #Destroy #Us & #ArtificialIntelligence
— Iynuk (@IyNuk) September 7, 2014
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