Fukushima meltdown is ‘much worse than you think’
The full extent of the damage to the environment and the safety of the Japanese people that the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power caused is only now starting to become avaliable. Even more worrying is that it has not been released by the Japanese government but independent scientists who has scathed the Japanese governments rescue attempts.
For months the Japanese government has attempted to bury its head in the sand and try to ignore the severe levels of radiation being omitted into the air and sea's through steam and evaporated water as Japan tries desperately to keep the reactors and fission products cool. The plant may be shut by the uranium is till generating heat and constantly needs to be cooled.
Japan's 9.0 earthquake on March 11 caused a massive tsunami that crippled the cooling systems at the Fukushima nuclear facility. The tsunami caused hydrogen explosions and reactor meltdown but only last month did the Japanese government confirm that there had been full meltdowns in number 1,2 and three reactors. A 20km exclusion zone had been put in place but independent scientists are finding hot-spots nearly 100km away. If the government had confirmed the full scale of the meltdowns earlier, it is clear people form further out would have moved away.
The true extent of the disaster has been ignored by the Japanese government but Arnold Gundersen has revealed the real extent of what Japan is trying to deal with. "Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind," Gundersen, a licensed reactor operator with 39 years of nuclear power engineering experience, managing and coordinating projects at 70 nuclear power plants around the US, says the Fukushima nuclear plant likely has more exposed reactor cores than commonly believed.
"Fukushima has three nuclear reactors exposed and four fuel cores exposed," he said, "You probably have the equivalent of 20 nuclear reactor cores because of the fuel cores, and they are all in desperate need of being cooled, and there is no means to cool them effectively."
Even more disconcerting will be the revelation by independent scientists that the there are twenty nuclear cores exposed with the potential to release twenty times the radiation of the Chernobyl disaster. There are still mutant boars being discovered in Germany thirty years on. This revelation, disguised by the Japanese government should cause serious panic in Japan.
The Japanese government have attempted to ignore how serious the meltdowns have been. They have tried ignoring the fact that there were three full meltdowns at the site and have up until now refused to give out information of how they plan on removing waste from the sea's. Radiation waste has to go somewhere but at the moment there is no credible plan that any independent scientist has approved by the Japanese government.
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