'Hypocrites': Demi Lovato lashes out at TIME for honouring Donald Trump alongside 'brave' women
The magazine honoured "The Silence Breakers", who came forward with their accounts of sexual harassment.

TIME magazine is facing some serious criticism for honouring US President Donald Trump alongside "brave" women, who came forward with their accounts of sexual harassment.
In their annual Person Of The Year list, the magazine bestowed Trump with the runners-up position while the main honour went to the "Silence Breakers" — a move that was severely bashed by pop star Demi Lovato.
Taking to Twitter, the songstress argued that it was disrespectful to include Trump's name on the list, considering he has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by at least 16 women.
"Time mag highlights brave women coming forward against sexual assault on the cover but names a man with sexual assault allegations against him runner-up to person of the year," she wrote. "Really @TIME? #hypocrites."
Addressing TIME's controversial decision for the POTY titles, the 25-year-old singer suggested that she had to voice her opinion this time.
"I've become less vocal about my distain for certain people over the past year because it only divides our country even more but this is worth speaking up about," she tweeted, adding, "@TIME mag - very disappointed in your hypocrisy and disrespect toward the women on your cover."
"To be named POTY by @TIME it should be for doing something positive or brave LIKE the women on the cover. It's annoying that it's just about impact on the news," she added.
In a separate tweet, the Sorry Not Sorry hitmaker also shared her support for fellow singer Kesha for a place in the coveted list.
Kesha needs to be there
— ðRAINBOWð (@belikestilinski) December 7, 2017
Time mag highlights brave women coming forward against sexual assault on the cover but names a man with sexual assault allegations against him runner up to person of the year.. Really @TIME? #hypocrites
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 7, 2017
To be named POTY by @TIME it should be for doing something positive or brave LIKE the women on the cover. Itâs annoying that itâs just about impact on the news.
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 7, 2017
As is the custom each year, a person or a group of people, who for the "better or worse" had an impact on news, is/are honoured by the TIME magazine as their Person Of The Year. Hence it was no surprise when Trump made it to the list in 2016, following his massive win in the presidential election over Hillary Clinton.
Incidentally, even Adolf Hitler was featured on the POTY list in the past.
This year, the magazine took a monumental leap by honouring "The Silence Breakers" of the #MeToo movement, who became a voice for sexual assault and harassment survivors. Actress Ashley Judd, singer Taylor Swift, corporate lobbyist Adama Iwu, worker Isabel Pascual and former Uber engineer Susan Fowler featured on the cover for 2017.
A fifth elbow was also showcased – a symbol for those who are yet to voice their ordeals of sexual assault and harassment.