Instagram users may have noticed stores offering colourful beverages with attractive names and nutritional labels. Consumers who want to pack up on the energy in just one big swoosh are very likely to go gaga over these loaded teas. While many have become huge fans of the beverage that could deliver a kick in a single cup without sugar, there are a number of nutrition experts who are a wee bit concerned.

Loaded tears are beverages that are basically a mixture of flavours and supplements. The main aspect of why these teas have a great following is that they are labelled as having zero sugar content, the least amount of calories, and chock full of vitamins.

While there are no one-size-fits-all ingredients with regards to these beverages, Today looked into these concoctions and found that many of those selling loaded teas make use of Herbalife products. The most common Herbalife products infused in these teas are the Herbal Tea Concentrate and the Liftoff energy tablet.

Today evaluated the ingredients of Herbalife's Liftoff Herbal Tea Concentrated and it found that a tablet of the former contains a number of stimulants. It has caffeine, ginseng, and guarana. On the other hand, Herbal Tea Concentrate has more stimulants from caffeine powder and tea extract.

Dr Tanja Johnston, a nutritionist and a certified naturopathic doctor in Los Angeles, revealed that her main concern about loaded teas is the stimulants that are found in a cup. She described them as an "overdrive" for the cardiovascular system, increasing the blood pressure and the heart rate. It can even negatively impact mood. She also mentioned that teens are vulnerable in terms of the negative impact of high amounts of caffeine.

Maribeth Evezich, Seattle-based registered dietician and assistant professor at Bastyr University said that high caffeine intake can lead to poor quality sleep, affect food intake and cravings and create low energy. With low energy, people are less likely to exercise, which could then affect energy levels.

Johnston also stated that these loaded teas use the same formula as energy drinks. However, they opted to label it as a tea because it is what health-conscious individuals drink. For Johnston, not all these teas that are advertised online actually contain tea.

Since many people enjoy these teas, Johnston shared a piece of advice. She said, one is not required to completely abstain from consuming them, rather, one must do so with some precaution. She advised consumers to drink eight ounces of water before drinking these teas. The rationale is to prepare the kidneys to flush out everything. Besides, she noted that caffeine also tends to dehydrate people.

Drink Photo: Pixabay

For Johnston, the best way to have that energy is to address lifestyle issues. One must also consider the long-term effects of these "band-aid" strategies for an energy boost, such as consuming loaded teas.