Nick Clegg has been dubbed the Tories’ dogs’ body in recent days and even staunch Lib Dem, Daniel Radcliffe has today branded Clegg a Tory “whipping boy”. We could think of no better character to represent Clegg than dear Billy Mitchell; whipping boy of the Mitchell family.BBC/LibDem
Nick Clegg has been dubbed the Tories’ dogs’ body in recent days and even staunch Lib Dem, Daniel Radcliffe has today branded Clegg a Tory “whipping boy”. We could think of no better character to represent Clegg than dear Billy Mitchell; whipping boy of the Mitchell family.BBC/LibDemDavid Miliband has played second fiddle to his younger brother despite having plenty of good ideas and vaster wealth of experience – much like Ronnie Mitchell. Ronnie is clearly more intelligent than her younger sibling, but somehow, always seems to come in second to Roxy.BBC/LabourDiane Abbott was at the sharp end of a media storm after she tweeted: 'White people love playing divide & rule. We should not play their game #tacticasoldascolonialism'. Does anyone remember Connor Stanley? There was a huge media hype after he called Billy Mitchell a “skinny little white boy”. There’s your correlation.BBC/LabourWhile physical appearances are not the same, a direct correlation between Roxy Mitchell and Ed Miliband is difficult to spot. Roxy has never been as intelligent, wise or likeable as her older sibling, yet she always comes up smelling of roses.BBC/LabourGrant was the brains behind the Mitchell operation and although Ed Balls wouldn’t win in a boxing match, we certainly wouldn’t want to meet him down a dark alley. Ed Balls does not have a history of punching protesters, but we would not want to be on the receiving end if he did.BBCDavid Cameron is Peggy Mitchell; she’s the queen of the east end and is described as “flash, fast-talking and nobody’s fool. She has always done things her own way”. In 2009, Peggy even ran as an independent candidate in the local council and her reputation as ‘The Queen of Walford’ made her my obvious soap-opera counterpart for Cameron.BBC/ConservativePhil Mitchell is Eastenders’ hard man and alongside his brother, Grant, is always involved in some kind of dodgy activity. So we paired him with John 'Bruiser' Prescott who famously punched an egg-wielding protester who caught him off guard.BBC/JohnPrescott
Defeated Labour leader contender David Miliband will avoid the Labour front benches to stop any potential "soap operas".
He told BBC Breakfast he was flattered that there were suggestions he would return to the shadow cabinet but said that staying on the backbenches would allow his brother to take better control of the Labour Party.
"I was right to say: 'Look, I've lost the leadership election'," he said. "Ed needs the space to lead the Labour Party as he sees fit. I can help Labour at the grassroots.
"I am trying to make sure we are taking our message all over the country and not being in the shadow cabinet allows me to do that. I can minimise the amount of soap opera by not being in the shadow cabinet."
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