ces golf glove
Sensors today allow researchers to extract more information remotely than was possible once. Reuters

You can soon get yourself a cup that can tell you the calories, nutrient and caffeine content of what you drink. All it requires is a few sensors, a processor, a database, a smart app, power and a smarter inventor.

Your smart cup can sense between orange juice with pulp and without and then go on to calculate how much sugar or cream you added to a drink.

And if you think you can fool it by taking something and not drinking the whole, think again. This one can track what exactly you drink, not just what you fill it with! It also knows the difference between water that you are drinking and water that you are using for washing.

It tracks calories, nutrients and basic hydration employing the user's height, weight and gender to calculate his needs.

Justin Lee, a biomedical computing graduate of Queen's University, Kingston, has been working on his smart cup design for seven years, using sensors from the food manufacturing industry and reducing them in cost and size.

The sensors use a technique to analyse what is inside the cup, without actually being in physical touch. The cup also contains a processor, memory, and a small display.

The sensors do some analysis and tracking onboard, then use a bluetooth transmitter to connect to a smart device.

Here an app gets into work. After identifying the liquid by using sensor data and profiling, the app consults a database to get more nutritional information about the liquid.

The cup needs to be charged but uses minimal power.

Lee says pre-orders surpassed his initial goal of $50,000 in less than two hours.