'Teeny tiny hands': Trump had his own weird water bottle moment and Twitter couldn't stop laughing
The moment echoed back to Senator Marco Rubio when he stopped to take a sip of water during his 2013 response to the State of the Union.
US President Donald Trump had his own "bizarre" water bottle moment during his speech recapping his recent "tremendously successful" Asia trip and Twitter couldn't stop poking fun at him. Just a little over 10 minutes into his speech at the White House, Trump abruptly paused to look under the presidential lectern for a bottle of water.
"They don't have water. That's OK," the president said before reporters pointed to a small table on the other side of the lectern. He then turned to the side, picked up a small bottle of Fiji water with both hands and took a sip before continuing his speech.
He again stopped to take a second swig just minutes later.
The water bottle moment echoed back to Florida Senator Marco Rubio when he stopped and reached out of frame to take a sip of water during his 2013 response to then-President Barack Obama's State of the Union address - a break that Trump mercilessly mocked him for at the time.
"Next time Marco Rubio should drink his water from a glass as opposed to a bottle—would have much less negative impact," Trump tweeted in February 2013.
He also mocked Rubio for needing to quench his thirst during speeches during the campaign trail when the two competed for the Republican nomination.
"When they put Marco on to refute President Obama's speech, do you remember that catastrophe?" Trump said during a campaign rally in Fort Worth, Texas, in February last year. "He's like this: 'I need water. Help me, I need water.' This is on live television. This total choke artist."
"It's Rubio," he continued holding up a bottle of water before splashing the water around him before tossing it behind him. "Unbelievable."
Twitter quickly pounced on the opportunity to mock the president and drew comparisons between the two saying Rubio "didn't need two hands" to take a swig of water from the bottle.
Rubio also took to Twitter to troll the president over the incident.
You win Twitter for the day, sir
— Cg in Exile (@ceeeeggg) November 15, 2017
Level achieved: Owned
"Trump makes Senator Rubio look like a world champion water drinker compared to his clumsy display. Has the man never opened a bottle of water before?" NBC's Joe Scarborough tweeted.
One Twitter user wrote: "Marco Rubio only used one hand to hold the water bottle. Trump looked like he was drinking from a sippy cup."
"Instead of the big promised statement, we learned that Donald Trump is a dehydrated narcissist that needs 2 hands to drink bottled water from Fiji instead of from the United States. #MAGA", another user chimed.
"What goes around, comes around," one person tweeted.
Trump, in a possible tribute to Marco Rubio, has paused twice to take big gulps from a bottle of water.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 15, 2017
In 2013, Trump tweeted at least 5 times about Rubio's water incident including that he should "drink his water from a glass as opposed to a bottle". (Today, Trump sipped from a bottle.) pic.twitter.com/z8RSTPl775
— Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) November 15, 2017
Not once, but twice, Trump shows he doesn't know how to drink water. Why does he have to wind up for a swig and then bring his mouth to the bottle first?! pic.twitter.com/jqm7eJdCb3
— Dane (@SeeDaneRun) November 16, 2017
Trump can't even sip a bottle of water without looking like a fumbling, awkward mess trying to mimic human movement.
— Alisha Grauso (@AlishaGrauso) November 15, 2017
Iï¸ mean really-he canât even take a drink of water without looking like a complete idiot. Those teeny tiny hands. https://t.co/NJEn62x6Im
— #SoCalledPresident (@CindyLouWright) November 16, 2017
What happened to Trump Water?
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) November 15, 2017
Trump drinks FIJI Water while decrying trade deficits. pic.twitter.com/hjO34kKGmx
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) November 15, 2017
Remember when Trump made fun of Marco Rubio for drinking water?
— Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) November 15, 2017
It looked a lot like this. pic.twitter.com/IYr2cpWk60
— Tina (@tink_luvs_sleep) November 15, 2017
Trump grabbed that water bottle with his tiny little hands like it was....oh never mind....#inners pic.twitter.com/uneLnguztR
— Jean Dunn (@jeandunn52) November 16, 2017
Dear @realdonaldtrump,
— Frederick Douglass (@gettinnoticedmo) November 15, 2017
You having to use two hands to hold a water bottle makes a couple things clear.
Marco Rubio has bigger hands than Trump.
So do I.
So does everyone reading this.
PS: If you need help writing a resignation letter, I'm available.
"Who holds a water bottle with two hands?" I asked myself before remembering that Trump's hands are a whole little thing. pic.twitter.com/iruqEYqLqy
— Zach Heltzel (@zachheltzel) November 15, 2017
If Trump were a more serious person, it would be beneath the level of proper public discourse to make fun of little snafus like his double handing a bottle of water. But since he is not.... https://t.co/ZLQNOqSlKo
— Derek Cressman (@DerekCressman) November 15, 2017
Comparing Trump's water break to Marco Rubio's is absurd.
— Frederick Douglass (@gettinnoticedmo) November 15, 2017
Marco only used one hand to hold the water bottle.
Trump pulls a Marco Rubio & slurps down water during his speech. But itâs worse than Rubio. Trump holds the bottle with two hands like itâs a baby bottle. Fitting.#ImpeachTrump #AMJoy pic.twitter.com/5CPKzSSCKq
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) November 15, 2017
— Cody Keenan (@codykeenan) November 15, 2017
I canât stop laughing
— Kal Penn (@kalpenn) November 15, 2017
Clearly he's still recovering from that handshake. pic.twitter.com/eIdO1Vwqfn
— Matt Smelser (@mcsmelser) November 15, 2017
Big boy got thirsty
— Ike Barinholtz (@ikebarinholtz) November 15, 2017
Okay everyone is talking about Trump drinking
— Tyler Conway (@jtylerconway) November 15, 2017
But why did it take him 4 twists to open up a water bottle? pic.twitter.com/qvFX6sConk
[prepares body for deserved abuse]
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) November 15, 2017
America Thirst