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Friday, 6 April, marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the Bosnian War and the siege of Sarajevo. The conflict has since been condemned as one of the worst atrocities in Europe since World War II.

The war started in 1992 and went on for over three-and-a-half years, kiling 100,000 people. Approximately half of the country's population - 4.4 million - fled their homes. Since then, the Eastern European country has been struggling economically and to re-build the war-torn lands.

High unemployment rate and a large trade deficit remain causes for concern.

However, the Bosnians are a proud people... they are a hard-working people... and they have worked to restore some measure of normalcy and some progress to their homeland.

Check out this slideshow that gives you glimpses of the Bosnian War, ravaged country it left behind and the new world the Bosnians are creating