Elina Desaine
Elina Desaine has nicknamed herself "Slutvian" after havign sex with up to three men a week.

An online competition that awarded a female university student a cash prize for sleeping with up to three men a week has been accused of exploiting and degrading women.

Elina Desaine, 20, took top honours as Britain's Horniest Student by controversial "no-strings-attached fun" website, Shagatuni.com.

The University of Exeter computer science student received £500 and a year's supply of condoms for casual sex with multiple partners and compiling a "shag list" of her conquests.

Desaine, who has nicknamed herself "Slutvian", says winning the title has made her even hornier. She admits having sex in a university computer room and hopes to one day seduce a lecturer.

"Before uni, I had only slept with my ex-boyfriend and one other guy," she told the website.

"As soon as I knew I was going to study at Exeter I had to dump my boyfriend so that I could finally live out my wild side. Shagatuni.com has definitely helped me to find my inner freak and I normally have sex most nights now.

"Uni's the time to do it. Especially during exam period because that's when you get stressed the most and sex is a great way to relieve yourself."

The competition has been condemned by sexual health experts who warned that it could lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

Sexual health consultant Dr Peter Greenhouse said: "The more people who try to win this award, the more dangerous things will be for their friends. It is far from a brilliant idea in public health terms.

"If anyone is seriously trying to win this award then they desperately need to get a sexual health check-up and would be advised to get vaccinated against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus."

One critic said: "This is so sad. Her parents must be so proud. Pathetic sign of a decaying nation. Seems as if our society is rotting more daily."

Another wrote: "How can such a degrading competition be allowed to happen?"

A university spokesman told IBTimes UK: "We certainly don't condone this sort of behaviour but our main concern is for the student and the impact this may have on her over the long term."