Trump, Putin
From left: US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin Getty Images

The Kremlin has confirmed Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet on Friday (7 July) during the G20 summit in Hamburg.

The pair have never officially met in person before, despite the furore surrounding Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

The pair have issued compliments about each other ever since Trump entered the race for the presidency back in 2015.

Putin has called Trump a "very outstanding man" and "unquestionably talented".

At a national security forum in September, Trump explained his friendly relationship with Putin saying: "If he says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about him."

Initially it was thought that the meeting would be a brief one-to-one, instead the Kremlin confirmed that it would be a fully-fledged bilateral talk.

The G20 summit, which runs from 7 July, will be Trump's second foreign trip as president and his first to Germany.

All eyes will be on the meeting, as well as Trump's interactions with the likes of Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, who have formed a strong alliance opposing some of the measures that Trump has advocated, including the exit from the Paris climate agreement.

Trump will also be in Paris for the annual Bastille Day military parade after accepting an invitation from Macron.