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Efforts to counter fraudulent practices aim to strengthen the immigration system. Unsplash.com

In a bid to counter fraudulent practices within the legal sector that aid illegal immigration, the government has unveiled a comprehensive initiative aimed at clamping down on deceitful immigration lawyers.

The newly established Professional Enablers Taskforce will spearhead this crackdown by collaborating with industry bodies and law enforcement agencies to bolster the evidence necessary to prosecute those who engage in such practices.

While the vast majority of legal professionals uphold their commitment to professionalism and integrity, recent media coverage has exposed a small but concerning minority of lawyers who have been accused of assisting illegal migrants in making false claims to stay in the UK.

The Professional Enablers Taskforce, in operation for several months and officially launching today, seeks to counteract this exploitation of the immigration system by fostering collaboration between regulatory bodies, law enforcement entities, and government departments.

This initiative marks a crucial step forward in the government's determination to kerb the unethical practices of a few that tarnish the reputation of the legal profession and compromise the integrity of the immigration system. By improving the sharing of intelligence and information among regulatory bodies and law enforcement teams, the task force aims to create a stronger foundation for prosecutions against lawyers who aid migrants in exploiting immigration regulations.

Underlining the seriousness of the issue, law enforcement agencies are also intensifying efforts to bring charges against corrupt immigration lawyers who have potentially enabled illegal migrants to stay in the country through deceptive means. The gravity of these offences is reflected in the potential penalties, as these lawyers could face up to life imprisonment for assisting unlawful immigration to the UK.

The Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, is chairing a roundtable meeting today that includes the Lord Chancellor, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. This gathering reiterates the government's commitment to prosecuting unscrupulous immigration lawyers and reinforces the message that such actions will not be tolerated.

To ensure that immigration system stakeholders are better equipped to identify and report suspicious activity, the task force has developed a training programme for frontline staff. This training will empower these individuals to support law enforcement in their efforts to bring corrupt immigration lawyers to justice.

The task force's efforts extend beyond prosecution alone. By collaborating with industry bodies, it aims to disrupt the business models of firms that facilitate immigration system abuse. By building stronger evidence bases and improving the sharing of intelligence, the task force aims to provide industry bodies with the necessary information to investigate and potentially bring cases to law enforcement for prosecution.

The task force's actions have already led to referrals to law enforcement in cases where criminal activity is suspected. A notable example involves an immigration firm linked to a highly sought-after human trafficker. This discovery has led to a referral to the police for further investigation.

Recent actions by the Solicitors Regulation Authority have also demonstrated the urgency of addressing this issue. Last week, the authority suspended three legal firms that were caught offering to submit fake asylum claims for migrants.

In light of these developments, Home Secretary Suella Braverman expressed her commitment to eradicating such unethical practices, saying: "Crooked immigration lawyers must be rooted out and brought to justice. While the majority of lawyers act with integrity, we know that some are lying to help illegal migrants game the system."

The Home Secretary continued: "It is not right or fair on those who play by the rules. The British people want us to put an end to illegal migration – I am determined to crack down on these immoral lawyers and Stop the Boats."

Echoing these sentiments, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Alex Chalk KC emphasised the importance of upholding the integrity of the legal system, stating: "The accuracy and honesty of legal advice underpins the integrity of our world-leading legal system, so those who undermine it by encouraging deception must be held to account.

"This government is committed to stopping the boats – that means breaking the business model of criminal gangs and holding to account unscrupulous lawyers who aid and abet them by abusing the legal system."

The Professional Enablers Taskforce's actions align with a broader governmental focus on eliminating abuse within the immigration system. The independent Legal Services Board recently announced its intention to explore ways to enhance the powers of regulatory bodies to ensure that rogue legal professionals face appropriate consequences.

While currently focused on the legal sector, the Professional Enablers Taskforce has plans to expand its efforts to target other "professional enablers," such as doctors, accountants, and employers, who exploit their expertise to facilitate illegal migration.

The government's multi-faceted approach reflects its determination to uphold the integrity of the immigration system and maintain a fair and just society for all.