After relatively conclusive Greek elections, which saw pro-bailout and austerity party New Democracy narrowly win the most votes and who are likely to form a coalition government, International Business Times UK looks at some of the commentary surrounding the market-pleasing result.

Joseph Weisenthal, aka @TheStalwart, tweeted:

You're never going to believe this, but it seems the election has vindicated the views of all the parties.

After losing three seats in the Greek parliament, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, leader of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party, said:

I would like to thank the hundreds of thousands of Greeks who did not change their vote, despite the effort of wretched propaganda by the paid stooges on TV.

Larry Elliot, economics editor at the Guardian, wrote:

Sooner or later, a country like Greece may decide it cannot take the strain any more and conclude there will be first-mover advantage in being the first country to leave the euro, just as there was for the first country - Britain - to leave the gold standard. This, whatever European policy makers say, would result in mayhem. The rest of the world knows this, and that's why Obama is constantly on Angela Merkel's case and why [Mervyn] King announced steps last week to boost mortgage and business lending, and to keep UK banks awash with liquidity.

Stratos Safioleas tweeted:

Sorry, no Greek doomsday. No line at the ATMs; supermarkets working; people going to work; bright and sunny.

Dr Tim Stanley, blogger, The Daily Telegraph, wrote:

There is reported to be a certain contempt among German voters for the Greeks - a feeling that they mismanaged their finances and brought this on themselves. That's unfair. Like communism, the Euro was sold to the poor of Europe as a magic bullet that would bring instant and lasting economic growth. One certainly can't blame them for buying the propaganda, especially considering that several prominent Britons did, too. Today, negative growth is ubiquitous across the continent and Greece is in penury. The economic gamble hasn't worked and the god of European integration has failed. This election certainly won't revive it.

John Durie at The Australian wrote:

The Greek election result was the least-worst outcome but financial markets are still destined for months, if not more, of volatility as it attempts to negotiate its survival.

The stark reality is the country is still in a political and economic mess.

Paul Mason, economics editor of BBC Newsnight, tweeted:

More and more stories of dyed-in-wool soc-democrats, liberals voting ND to keep dialogue w Europe alive, non-mainstream politics at bay.

The Sun's leader column said:

The Greeks are in denial - and the world's economy remains on its knees.

They want to stay in the eurozone. But they can't face the harsh austerity required to do it.

Yesterday's election seems sure to prolong the agony for all.

Even if the squabbling parties do scrape a coalition together, it will try to wriggle out of the strict conditions of its eurozone bailout.