Avengers: Infinity War Thanos
Thanos wielding the Infinity Gauntlet with the Power and Space stones (which give him immense power and the ability to travel through space with ease) Marvel Studios

Avengers: Infinity War's plot is all about Thanos and his quest for the six infinity stones, which will not only complete his gauntlet but also give him mighty powers. While a fully-armoured Thanos has already been teased in the first teaser video, a new promo image has surfaced online, revealing further details about the Mad Titan.

Shared by a Reddit user (scroll below), the picture actually shows some of the latest Avengers merchandise and includes a look at the villainous Thanos in the form of a cardboard cut-out.

But what catches one's attention – asides the purple alien sporting a smile – is his Infinity Gauntlet, which without a doubt is going to be a driving force in uniting the superheroes in the upcoming Avengers movie.

So what is this gauntlet and what makes them all powerful?

In the Marvel Comics history, the Infinity Gauntlet is perhaps the most powerful item that is designed to hold the "soul gems" that are also known as the infinity gems or stones. When combined with the strength of all the six gems though, the gauntlet can provide immense powers to the wearer, thus posing a serious threat in case it falls in the wrong hands.

However, what powers the gauntlet are these six stones in the MCU:

Tesseract - Space Stone

Aether - Reality Stone

Orb - Power Stone

Loki's Scepter/Vision head gem - Mind Stone

Time Stone

Soul Stone

So far, the first four stones have been introduced in the various Marvel movies, with the Time stone making a brief appearance in Doctor Strange, sitting in the Eye of Agamotto. And despite strong speculations of seeing the Soul Stone in the last release, Black Panther, it still remains unaccounted for.

Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, Avengers: Infinity War part I, will see a slew of MCU characters, including Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man, Chris Evans' Captain America, Mark Ruffalo's Hulk, Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, Tom Holland's Spider-Man and more.

The film hits theatres on 27 April in the UK and on 4 May in the US.

Avengers Infinity War
Official artwork for Avengers: Infinity War including Thor and Loki at the back Marvel